Our Learn to Play / BlastBall division is for children born in 2019 to 2021. The emphasis is on skill development and having fun, as these youngsters learn the fundamentals of the game.
BlastBall introduces the basic fundamentals of baseball (hitting, throwing, catching and running) and is aimed at young children.
Small groups of players rotate through stations that use balls, bats and other fun equipment to develop hand/eye coordination. We also play a very simple game where players hit off a tee and get to run the bases.
There are no complex rules and no umpires – just fun!
- Players will be provided with a t-shirt on the first night.
- One parent/guardian is required to be on the Diamond with participants born in 2021.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children and must remain at the Diamond for the duration of the ‘practice’.
- We will need multiple group leader coaches, please reach out if you are interested in volunteering!
- Students are welcome to volunteer towards their school hours as well